New Articles

  1. Understanding Commission Structures

    Information on aACE settings to help you create your system of commissions for sales reps, account managers, and referral companies.
  2. Pricing for Line Item Codes

    Information and links about organizing pricing structures.
  3. Company Preferences / My aACE

    To review these settings on your aACE system personalization screen, navigate to System Admin > aACE Preferences > My aACE . Report Header You can upload your company logo or report header image here. This image will be displayed at t...
  4. Assigning a Rate Card to an Order

    When entering an order, you can link a rate card to pull in special pricing of your products and services: Navigate to Order Management > Orders . Click the New button. In the Bill To section, click the Rate Card field or the selector bu...
  5. Assigning Rate Cards to Line Item Codes

    You can link a rate card to a line item code's Custom Prices section: Navigate to Order Setup > Line Item Codes . Select the desired line item code and click the Edit button. Click the Custom Prices tab. Specify the desired ra...
  6. Creating Rate Cards

    Steps for setting up a new rate card.
  7. Overview of Rate Cards

    Information about rate cards linked to companies and orders, plus details about rate types/values and commission types/values.
  8. Handling Import Validation Errors

    Explanation about using aACE data validation to ensure you import accurate records.
  9. Mapping Import Fields by Hand

    Instructions for manually matching source and target fields when importing data.
  10. Importing Records

    Steps for importing data from a spreadsheet into your aACE system.