Report Branding by Office

aACE gives you the option to use a system-wide report header or an office-specific header.

If you prefer to use a report header specific to each office location, you can store the headers by office. To do so, follow the instructions below.

  1. Navigate to the office you wish to work with. From the main menu: Internal > Offices
  2. While in detail view, click the Reporting tab.
  3. Enter Edit mode.
  4. Uncheck the Use default logo check box.

  5. Click the Plus_Icon.png icon next to Report Header to upload a new header.
  6. When the Insert dialog appears, navigate to the image file you wish to use and click Open. Use images  measuring 585 x 125 pixels in .jpg, or .png format.
  7. Once the file appears, click Save.

From this point forward, all reporting for this office, including invoices, purchase orders, receipts, etc. will use this branding.